General Merchandise Shippers Watch Out!

Way back in 2014, I wrote a piece called *‘Stealing less and enjoying it more’. In short, the article cited an 11% volume drop in thefts March 2014 through May 2014 in the USA. Although despite the drop in incidents, the value of goods stolen jumped a whopping 89% per theft. The ‘value-versus incident number… Read more »

How to Choose the Right Cargo Insurance Company

Choosing the right cargo insurance company to set you up with a cargo insurance policy can be a challenge. Certainly, there are plenty of cargo insurance companies that provide you with excellent service and prices. It can make it tough to track down the one that’s best for your business. Here are some steps you… Read more »

While there is a right answer, it's not always the right answer.

One of the questions I am often asked by small to medium-sized importers/exporters is, “Should I use a yearly cargo insurance policy or per-shipment policy for my cargo insurance?” My answer is always a definite, ‘that depends.’ While volume plays a large role in whether a yearly policy or per shipment insurance is the right… Read more »

Transport and Warehousing Outlook

Like them or not, tariffs have an impact, some intended, some not. It looks like one of the impacts the tariff battle will result in is a slowdown for the transportation and warehouse sectors for 2019. It’s not that tariffs and tariff talk eliminated all of the tonnage transported, but it certainly had an impact… Read more »

The Two Types of Cargo Insurance That All Shippers Need

If you own a company that provides shipping services to customers, you need to have carrier liability insurance in place. But you also should consider obtaining cargo insurance since carrier liability insurance isn’t going to protect the cargo that you carry from things like accidents, natural disasters, and more. Cargo insurance will offer protection against… Read more »

What Is Covered Under a Freight Forwarder Insurance Policy?

There are several types of insurance that you should consider obtaining if you own a company that specializes in shipping and handling cargo. One of the most common types of insurance is called freight forwarder insurance. A freight forwarder insurance policy will cover a number of things. Here are some of the ways it can… Read more »

What is a Certificate of Insurance and Why Is It Important?

If you’re going to be shipping precious cargo sometime soon, it’s important for you to get cargo insurance for it first. Nevertheless, maybe more importantly, you’re also going to want to get your hands on a certificate of insurance once you have a cargo insurance policy in place. This certificate will serve several very important… Read more »