Lost in Transit – an Infographic by TJO Cargo

TJO Cargo helps you protect your assets and your ‘precious cargo’ (pun completely intended). In the interest of helping you reduce risk and protect your goods, we’ve put together an infographic on the myriad of products lost in transit over the years. Whether shipping by air, land, or sea, your cargo is only as safe… Read more »

Protect Your Cargo From Organized Retail Theft and Cargo Theft Rings

Organized retail theft and cargo theft rings are a big threat and they’re nothing to joke about (though we probably will make a joke or six by the end of this post). Employee impersonation is a major and effective method for thieves, but with new methods, they’re getting smarter and harder to deter. Instead of… Read more »

The Strangest Things People Insure [Infographic]

Ever have that deer in headlights look before?  You just don’t know the answer to the question when your boss calls you out in the meeting?  Or you can’t decide if you should “Go Large” on your meal at the fast food restaurant and the cashier is staring at you, tapping her foot below the… Read more »

Making a Cargo Insurance Claim

You’re a good, discerning business owner; you have a good insurance policy and you fully protect your assets by taking extra caution with your goods. This effort makes a huge difference in the event of an accident. Having a big, fat policy and the right shipping tactics will dramatically decrease the risk of a disaster…. Read more »

Interesting Facts about The Shipping Industry [INFOGRAPHIC]

In a ships lifetime, it can travel the distance to the moon, and back, about ten times. TEN ROUND TRIPS TO THE MOON? According to this infographic, that’s a fact! Along with the fact that the shipping industry has over 1.5 million workers. Despite how far we’ve come in technology and world trade, shipping is… Read more »

Watch Out for Carrier Impersonators, Identity Parasites who Steal Cargo

When you hear or read the phrase “cargo theft”, you likely picture a twenties-styled heist, or maybe a sneaky rogue who lifts a few packages in the night. While these things happen, they’re less common than obvious full-truckload theft, which is where you should focus your attention. Few people realize how unfortunate and ubiquitous full-truckload… Read more »

Cargo Ship Breaks in Half. Crew is Safe, Cargo is Not

Remember that time we said it can happen, and it will? Global Logistics Media reported a disaster last week, and we’re not using the term disaster lightly; this ship broke in half. Luckily, the crew survived, but we can’t say the same for the cargo. Some cargo suffered damage, but the crew lost some overboard… Read more »