There’s no shortage of blockchain technology articles in the transportation industry world as of late. I even wrote one myself touting blockchain technology back in February 2018 addressing the subject. Why have I and so many others written about blockchain? Because it’s coming and it will change things, that’s why. What’s not to love in blockchain? In its base… Read more »
Tag: logistics
Driver Shortage Solved?
How did I manage to cram all three subjects into one article? I attended the monthly meeting of The Transportation Club of Jacksonville on the 13th of July, that’s how. Well that, and it rained a lot the following Sunday so writing was a reasonable indoor activity. I found The Transportation Club of Jacksonville to be a great… Read more »
Failing Retails Impact on Logistics
Bricks and mortar merchandise retailers across the country are singing the blues. Screaming the blues may be more accurate. The plight of the now gone Radio Shack, the soon to be gone HH Gregg, and a long list of shrinking retailers including Sears/K-Mart closing stores tell the story. It seems almost a certainty the story line won’t be… Read more »
When is a port not a port?
It was quite some time ago I was at a social mixer meeting of the minds here in Jacksonville. The focus of the discussion was inland ports which was what the bright people in the room knew was needed for the future. There was ample talk of the growth of JAXPORT that was to come… Read more »
Already August and Fuel is Still Cheap!
Back in January of this year I published an article on LinkedIn called ‘Gas is cheap and this is my new grocery getter!’ that was not published in our website blog. In the article I mentioned low oil prices may slide all the way through summer. Instead of me paraphrasing my January article it would… Read more »