Cargo Ship Breaks in Half. Crew is Safe, Cargo is Not

Remember that time we said it can happen, and it will? Global Logistics Media reported a disaster last week, and we’re not using the term disaster lightly; this ship broke in half. Luckily, the crew survived, but we can’t say the same for the cargo. Some cargo suffered damage, but the crew lost some overboard as well. In some cases, a crew may have to throw cargo over in order to survive.

If the ship is in danger, so is your cargo; a captain will choose his crew and human life over inanimate objects 100% of the time.

reaction to destroyed cargo without shipping insurance

The accident occurred during deplorable weather over the Indian Ocean last week on June 17th. Parts of the ship and containers were floating northeast through the 19th, and there may still be some pieces. The crew escaped via lifeboats, and the debris remained. A patrol boat and two tugboats went to gather the remaining pieces.

I don’t want to think about the finances and paperwork involved in this catastrophe, and I know you feel the same. Please, do your part to protect yourself, your crew, and your cargo.

Click here to read the full article, including a timeline and updates after the disaster.